12 to 22 awards are given each year at the prestigious European Hotel Awards ceremony. The winners previously selected by the members of the committee are contacted for the organization of the ceremony and their attendance at the event.
The awards are given to hotels and staff in the European hospitality industry. Among the main European Hotel Awards: Hotel of the Year, Historic Hotel, Charming Hotel, Spa of the Year, Hotel Restaurant, General Manager of the Year, Food & Beverage Manager, Hotel General Housekeeper… and the Millenium Award to honor an entire career.
• Hotel of the Year
• Historic Hotel of the Year
• Boutique Hotel of the Year*
• Green Award – Contribution to Sustainable Development*
• Hotel Restaurant of the Year
• Spa Hotel of the Year*
• Awards Special Art of Receiving *
• Front Office Manager *
European Hotel Awards awarded on a personal basis.
• Hotel General Manager
• Hotel Manager*
• F&B Manager*
• Executive Chef of the Hotel Restaurant
• General Hotel Housekeeper*
• Millenium Recognition Award – Lifetime Achievement*
* Are not given every year.